What is the blood sugar level (Glycemic) of coconut sugar?

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The main health issue we’re interested in is the claim that coconut sugar doesn’t raise blood sugar as much as other sugars. A report from the Philippines Food and Nutrition Institute has been widely cited. (but this was removed from the internet in March 2016) says that the glycemic index of coconut sugar prepared by the Philippine Coconut Authority calculated the Glycemic index to be 35. of 10 test samples This number is quite low. A similar study by the University of Sydney measured a glycemic index of 54, which is slightly lower than other sugars.

Why should we be suspicious of the number 35? There are 2-3 possible reasons for this to occur:

1. The report does not indicate the response of different groups of people. 

In studies of the glycemic index, only the average response of a food is determined. But it does not specify the response among different groups of people. (This was not the Philippines study.) We do not know the other 10 people who did not participate in the test. Has there been a change in response to this?

On the label of a brand of coconut sugar called “Sweet Trees,” there is this disclaimer: “The Glycemic Index (GI) is not believed to be an indicator of sugar’s safety for people with diabetes. Although there is data showing that coconut sugar produces Glycemic Index (GI) levels as low as 35, other tests have shown that coconut sugar produces Glycemic Index (GI) levels as low as 35. has shown different results We believe that this is a natural difference. We therefore do not approve the use of this product in people with diabetes.”

There is an incidence of people with increased blood sugar levels when consuming coconut sugar and those who should be most listened to are people with diabetes. Which tests the response of foods that affect blood sugar levels almost every day? The Glycemic Index (GI) test will be most beneficial. If examined in healthy young adults with minimal blood sugar problems and in diabetics. In people with pre-diabetes Including people with signs of diabetes  , which have different responses.

2. There is no consistent explanation as to why coconut sugar is different from other sugars.  

Especially the effect on blood sugar levels. According to the product description The sugar in coconut sugar is composed mostly of sucrose (Sucrose with half fructose and half glucose). Therefore, some people may expect that the Glycemic Index (GI) ทางเข้า https://ufabet999.app should be as high as 60-65. There is an explanation that it really is. It is more fructose, similar to agave syrup, although fructose does not increase blood sugar levels. (But it is the cause of other problems) Foods with high fructose content They usually do not cause a higher blood sugar response. But the high concentration of fructose is comparable to other sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup, cane sugar, etc.

There is no reason why coconut sugar can behave any differently than other sugars in the body. Have any readers tested their blood sugar levels after using coconut products and compared them to other sweeteners? It would be great to share the results.